Tempted/Tormented by the chocolate bunnies, Peeps, Cadbury Creme Eggs…etc hoppin’ round stores, friends’ homes, employee break rooms…? Just in time for Easter, here’s a guiltfree recipe for high protein, refined sugar & gluten free, vegan truffles that will satisfy your sweet cravings!

Try all five yummy fillings/centers! Each filling recipe makes 6-8 teaspoon-sized Easter Egg Truffles – batch intentionally small so you can easily whip up several at a time encloak in that deep rich, dark chocolate shell! Shell recipe yields enough to conservatively coat about 2 batches of truffles.

*As always, please choose organic ingredients for YOUR health!

1½  Tbsp coconut oil (melted)
4 squares 100% Cacoa Unsweetened Chocolate Baking Bar
1/8 tsp vanilla
½ tsp pure stevia extract powder
2 tsp maple syrup


Raspberry Truffles
½ cup fresh raspberries
1/8 to 1/4 tsp pure stevia powder
2 Tbsp Vanilla Vega One Protein Powder
2 Tbsp Let’s Do Organic! unsweetened shredded lowfat coconut
Topping:  1 Tbsp toasted shredded lowfat coconut


Pistachio Truffles
½ small ripe avocado
¼ cup pistachios, finely diced
Handful fresh spinach leaves (for bright green color)
¼ tsp almond extract
¼ tsp pure stevia extract powder
2 Tbsp Vanilla Vega One Protein Powder
Topping: Reserve 1 Tbsp of your diced pistachios + pinch sea salt

Lady Godiva Gets Spicy Chocolate Truffles
½ small ripe avocado
1 medjool date, soft
2 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
2 Tbsp Vanilla Vega One Protein Powder
½ tsp pure stevia extract powder
Topping:  ¼ tsp sea salt + pinch cayenne +1 Tbsp finely diced nuts of choice


Peanut Butter Truffles
¼ cup unsalted unsweetened peanut butter
¼ tsp vanilla extract
¼ cup Vanilla Vega One Protein Powder
Topping: 1 Tbsp roasted peanuts, finely diced + pinch sea salt



Coconut Truffles
2 Tbsp coconut milk
¼ tsp pure stevia extract powder
¼ tsp coconut extract
1 tsp maple syrup
1/3 cup reduced fat shredded coconut
2 Tbsp Vanilla Vega One Protein Powder
Topping:  1 Tbsp macadamia nuts, finely diced + sprinkle sea salt


For All Truffle Centers.  Line large plate with wax paper and place in fridge. In food processor, puree all filling ingredients until a sticky paste forms. Note: firmer filling is easier to roll. If it’s too sticky, choose to either pop it in the freezer for 10 minutes or blitz in a little more of a dry ingredient, by the teaspoon. Once firm, use a teaspoon to scoop and hands to roll into egg shapes and place on wax paper lined plate. Pop egg plate in freezer while you prep chocolate shell.

Chocolate Shell.  In small heatsafe bowl, mix all ingredients til smooth.

Gently roll each egg in chocolate mixture to coat. Remove with slotted spoon or fork. Roll chocolate covered egg in topping listed, or your own concoction. Carefully place truffle eggs on wax paper lined plate. Refrigerate until solid. Because coconut oil melts at room temperature, best stored in airtight container in fridge.

If chocolate sits too long and thickens, microwave bowl on 50% power for 15 seconds, stir, and add more time if needed to return to smooth texture.