Few days ago, as a client was leaving, she mentioned really craving Chick-Fil-A… I GET IT! Sure, we don’t eat fast food these days + I honestly don’t miss it. But those nuggets…
Growing up the one place in the mall food court we’d beg for, like junkies seeking a hit: Chick-Fil-A. The flavor of those consistently tender, perfectly seasoned chicken nuggets is so deeply emblazoned on my taste memory, the instant she mentioned it, I thought: Dang it, Gabbi! Why’d you have to bring that up?! Me too! Then I thought: O! I’m gonna make them healthy! So, last night I did. WOW! Even tastier than I remembered! 40% lower CALORIES! 66% less FAT! 70% fewer CARBS! 91% less SODIUM! Free of dairy, gluten, grains, added sodium + any of the unforgivable discriminatory practices that recently got Chick-fil-A in big trouble!
INGREDIENTS 1.5 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces 1 cup dill pickle juice, drained from jar (Or 1/3 cup vinegar, 1/3 cup filtered water, 1 tsp whole grain Dijon mustard + 2tsp dried dill) 1/3 cup full fat coconut milk 1/4 cup coconut flour 2 tsp freshly ground black pepper 2 tsp onion powder 1 1/2 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp paprika 1/8 tsp pure stevia powder 2 tsp coconut oil DIRECTIONS Add coconut milk + pickle juice (or vinegar, water, mustard + dill) to Ziploc bag. Add cubed chicken. Toss to coat + set aside to marinate for 30 min or even overnight if you have the time to spare. In small bowl, add dry ingredients + stir with fork to combine. Use colander to drain marinade from chicken. Warm skillet over medium-high heat. Add 1 tsp coconut oil. YOU CHOOSE:
- OLE SHAKE ‘N BAKE METHOD: Fill Ziploc bag with 1/2 flour mixture + add 1/2 chicken. Shake to toss.
- BOWL TOSS: Add chicken chunks a few at time to the bowl of dry ingredients. Use fork to turn pieces + gently coat.
Quickly transfer chicken to oiled pan. Cook two minutes, then gently turn each piece. After another 2 minutes toss pan a few times + check to ensure cooked through (no pink)! Transfer cooked chicken to plate + DEVOUR!!! Serves 4 (6oz servings). NUTRITION INFO – 6oz F+F Faux Fried Chicken Nuggets 237 Calories / 6g Fat / 4g Carb / 39g Protein / 129mg Sodium Chick-Fil-A Chicken Nuggets (12 piece box) 390 Calories / 18g Fat / 14g Carb / 41g Protein / 1460mg Sodium
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