You know eggs are the highest protein breakfast food, but are you tired of savory breakfasts? Strong enough to resist tempting bowls of sugary oatmeal + syrupy waffles, but still seeking something a lil indulgently creamy + sweet for breakfast?
Me too!
So…try our High Protein Breakfast Custard! Unlike those waffles, just 245 calories + 2 grams sugar, yet a whopping 26 grams naturally-delicious protein! Literally, no protein isolate powder.
Non-cookers rejoice! If you can microwave instant oatmeal, you can make this tasty hot breakfast in under 5 minutes. I know what you’re thinking, eww, eggs…in the microwave? Just trust me on this one, it’s wildly worth a try. Byron + I are colossal food texture snobs, but have perfected the ratios of dry to wet ingredients + cooking time as well as power. Follow directions + YOU WILL BE REWARDED!

Chocolate Covered Cherry
As always, please choose organic ingredients for YOUR health!
8 large egg whites
2 large eggs
1 Tbsp unsweetened shredded coconut – Love Trader Joe’s!
1/2 tsp pure vanilla or almond extract
3 Tbsp full fat coconut milk + 3/4 cup warm water. Or you can substitute with 3/4 cup unsweetened coconut milk beverage – Love So Delicious!
6 teeny scoops (1/8-1/4 tsp) pure powdered stevia extract – Love TJ’s!
Recipe yields 2 servings.
In decent-sized bowl, whip all ingredients with immersion blender to thoroughly emulsify. Thereafter, heat in microwave or stovetop. However, and this is only time you will ever hear me say so: I recommend the microwave for best results! The stovetop is incredibly labor intensive + readers using this method have reported more difficulty reaching custard stage without eggs seizing up.
Microwave. Place bowl in microwave for 2 minutes on 70% power. Puree with immersion blender, as always emulsifying to break up any lumps. Microwave again for 1 minute, blend again. Repeat until desired consistency is reached.
Stovetop. Add mixture to inner bowl of double boiler + gently raise heat to medium-low while whisking. Continually whisk until desired consistency is reached, usually 8-10 minutes. Must cook slowly over minimal heat with constant whisking to avoid eggs seizing up.
Enjoy your Breakfast Custard naked, or top with sliced fruit, splash of coconut milk or gentle sprinkle of toasted nuts or coconut.

Berry Blended Breakfast Custard
Want a hot breakfast on busy mornings? Prep in advance! Unlike scrambled eggs, your custard does not morph to rubber when reheated. Always refrigerate in a container with lid + gently reheat in microwave (around 1 1/2 min 70% power). Also shockingly delicious chilled as well…for breakfast or dessert!

Chocolate Peanut Butter!

Nothing says “have a shitty day,” like this nutritionally-devoid packet of sugar.
…For me, last version is reminiscent of go-to comfort food from a sugar-charged youth: yup, that cloyingly sweet Quaker Instant Oatmeal – Apples + Cinnamon! For comparably satisfying volume, you’d have to make at least 3 packets of that instant oatmeal, which yields 480 calories, 36g sugar + plethora of processed additives
At 245 calories, 2g sugar, I’ll have the Breakfast Custard. Thank you!