Who doesn’t love a good margarita? NO ONE, that’s who!

However most dieters and healthy eaters know that a margarita is a sugar-blasting, calorie-laden hangover waiting to happen. The reason for this is not primarily the tequila but instead the huge amount of sugar in premade margarita mixes or the copious amounts of agave syrup most bartenders pour into their SKINNY margaritas. Many assume while agave is less processed, we can consume without consequences, but unfortunately, agave is still pure caloric sugar, and your head, liver and full body will be paying for that hangover-booster in the am. Similarly, when imbibing in uber low calorie margarita drinks such as Skinny Girl’s Sweet’arita, the liver has to work double-time to process a second toxin: unnatural sugar substitutes, magnifying tomorrow’s hangover.


Standard Margarita    291 calories, 39g of sugar
F&F Naturally Sugar Free Skinny Margarita   93 calories, 3 g sugar

Here’s the Magic Mix:

  1. No sugar. Totally eliminate added sugar! We never use margarita mix or agave. Instead sweeten with a touch of stevia and squeeze of fresh orange juice.
  2. Fresh. No mix. Use fresh squeezed lime juice.
  3. Quality. The key to a good margarita is to start with good quality 100% agave tequila.
  4. Go silver or blanco. While many enjoy sipping a good aged tequila, the oakiness is distracting in a margarita. Most people end up adding more sweetener to cover that bitterness in effort to achieve the traditional sweet sour margarita flavor. We love Patron or Don Julio silver tequila, but have lately been buying the Kirkland brand from Costco, which is fantastic and rumored to actually be bottled by Patron!


As always, please use organic ingredients, for YOUR health!
3 oz good quality silver or blanco tequila
6 oz fresh squeezed lime juice
½ oz fresh squeezed orange juice
finely ground sea salt for rim of glass
2 cups of ice
Club soda
Zest from lime


Prep glasses by lightly rimming only half the glass with salt (it’s no more your friend than sugar in the battle against hangovers).

There are 2 ways to make this margarita. The first option is your classic shaken margarita. Place all the ingredients (except the salt) into a cocktail shaker and shake vigorously for about 2 minutes till the liquor and juice are chilled by the ice, strain and serve in a salted rimmed glass. The second option takes less muscle and results in a frozen margarita. Place the ingredients into a blender and blend for about 30 seconds, then pour slush like mixture into your salted gasses. If you like a few bubbles, top either recipe off with a little club soda.

This recipe makes 2 servings.